Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Creepy Deepy

If you have kids and a kindle then you'd be missing out if you didn't buy Creepy Deepy. Go get a copy from the Kindle Store now!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Creepy Deepy Now On Amazon!

Black Cloud Publishing is happy to announce that its first book, Creepy Deepy, is now available for Kindle. Creepy Deepy is a collection of poems and eerie illustrations for all spook-loving children and youthful spirits haunting the earth.

Find it in the Kindle Store

Saturday, October 26, 2013


There's a mummy in the men's room
And he's having a small issue.

He keeps yelling something:
"Can I get some more tissue?"

-Mike Giles

Creepy Deepy Coming Soon!

Check back here early next week for some spooky news about Creepy Deepy. It's a collection of dark
poems written by friends and illustrated by Mr. Spook himself.